Forster Realty Advisors is a national litigation consulting firm, based in Beverly Hills and Las Vegas. We assist trial attorneys in the preparation and management of mortgage and complex real estate litigated cases, as well as investigate mortgage fraud, predatory lending practices and real estate fraud, and offer opinions on industry standards and practices.

We analyze mortgage loan documents  for attorneys, looking for RESPA/TILA compliance or suitability for HAMP/HARP programs. Our assignments are almost equally divided between work for plaintiffs (55%) and defendants (45%). The clients represent a mix of large, medium, small-to-medium firms and sole practitioners. 

Expert Witness Services

We have mastered a wide array of real estate and mortgage specialties, including bank fraud, mortgage origination, underwriting, and sub-prime/stated income fraud analysis. We provide litigation consulting and expert witness services, as well as financial research and damage calculations. 

Since the first court testimony in 1997, we've been retained in over 500 civil and criminal cases. Through retaining attorneys, we have worked with clients as varied as banks, insurance companies, state government agencies and escrow companies. 

Services Provided - Consulting and Testimony:

  • Litigation Consulting in Civil & Criminal Cases
  • Title Issues (title chain, zoning) and Interpretation
  • Escrow and Title Procedures & Closing Practices
  • Real Estate-Related Economic Damages
  • Mortgage Document Review and Analysis
  • Evaluation of Bank Underwriting Practices
  • Lenders' Standards of Care & Due Diligence
  • Predatory Lending Abuses
  • Mortgage Broker Malpractice
  • Real Estate Broker Standards and Practices
  • Short Sale Fraud & Wrongful Foreclosure Actions
  • Lenders' Misconduct in Processing Loan Modifications
  • Dual-tracking: Loan Modification Concurrent with Foreclosure

Our Mortgage Fraud Experience is Unique in The Mortgage/Real Estate Consulting Sphere

Our vantage point allowed us to identify, during the early stages of the mortgage industry meltdown, fraudulent activities that ran contrary to the conventional wisdom of the times. It became clear that borrowers were not the only perpetrators of fraud in the industry, and that many brokers and lenders used predatory lending tactics to ensnare borrowers in their scams. We have since served as court-designated experts in major fraud and Ponzi Scheme cases.

We evaluate each case on its merits, and we believe that each client deserves to have his/her day in court. To that extent, our caseload is almost equally divided between plaintiffs and defendants.


        Mortgage Expert Services                                                          Real Estate Expert Services 

The recoveries, verdicts, favorable outcomes, and testimonials described on this site are not an indication of future results. Every case is different, and regardless of what friends, family, or other individuals may say about what a case is worth, each case must be evaluated on its own facts and circumstances as they apply to the law. The valuation of a case depends on the facts, the damages, the jurisdiction, the venue, the witnesses, the parties, and the testimony, among other factors. No representation is made that the quality of the expert services to be performed is greater than the quality of expert services performed by other consultants.

©2007-2024    Forster Realty Advisors LLC.    Las Vegas, NV.    1-702-530-1199   Beverly Hills, CA.   1-424-284-1800   


